Both the 10.5" (# 912) and 24" (# 962) Gold Stick™ Fly Traps include our very effective Multi-Bait & Pheromone fly attractant which is designed to attract multiple fly species using a combination of food baits and pheromone. Place traps on window sills or hang them vertically in areas away from traffic. Perfect for those who prefer inconspicuous control. Use in homes, garages, offices, laboratories, stables, barns & inside garbage cans or containers. (Use HP-115 Hercules Putty™ to hold trap to inside of lid or on sides of garbage cans.)
May be used in USDA & FDA Inspected facilities.
MODEL #962
24” (60.96cm). Packed in an attractive “clean access” perforated box. Pheromone tube included.
PACKED: 24 traps per display case.
MODEL # 912
10.5” (26.67cm). Packed in an attractive "clean access" perforated box. Pheromone tube included.
PACKED: 12 traps per display case.